Browsing Libros de Historia Moderna y Contemporánea by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 36
Invasión Norteamericana en Tabasco (1846-1847). Documentos
(1948)Useful compilation of documents, either of official or journalistic nature, in most of the cases complementary biographical notes are added. Onomastic index included. -
Carlos Pereyra: caballero andante de la historia
(1952)Interesting historiographic study of the controversial and outstanding Mexican hispanist Pereyra, made by the passionate author Martín Quirarte. The latter analyzes the main ideological guidelines of Pereyra and contributes ... -
Lorenzo Boturini y el pensamiento histórico de Vico
(1976)There're three aspects about the Botulin’s work: his “guadalupanism” passionate that take him to procure the coronation of virgin Guadalupe; the collection of papers he get during eight years on his stay in New Spain, and ... -
Los orígenes del partido único en México
(1981)This is an important work for being one of the few dedicated to the historic study about the single party system more influent during the XX century in Mexico. The documental appendix are also very useful as historic reference. -
México frente al mar: el conflicto histórico entre la novedad marinera y la tradición terrestre
(1981)“There’s no doubt about the relation between the coasts and the history of Mexico as a nation” says the author in the opening of the book, which points to explore this relation, especially because there’s not much bibliography ... -
El gobierno de la ciudad de México en el siglo XVI
(1982)From the beginning to the last years of the XVI century in Mexico City this study present an analysis of the functions of mayors, councillors and other public servers, the development of the same during this century when ... -
La hacienda de "La Concha": Una empresa algodonera de La Laguna 1883-1917
(1984)A serious, well-written work that makes a positive contribution to regional history, in this case of the La Laguna region, through the study of a cotton hacienda, as a representation and a focus in this northern region ... -
La polémica del darwinismo en México: Siglo XIX: testimonios
(1989)A documented study on the impact that Darwinian theories exerted first on the Mexican scientific community and then on society. The compilation of testimonies reveals the importance of the polemic and the distinguished ... -
La ciudad y el campo en la historia de México: Memoria de la VII Reunión de Historiadores Mexicanos y Norteamericanos. Tomo II
(1992)Given the amount collaborations (more than 70) that make up the body of the two volumes that constitutes the work, we will just say this is structured in seven general parts listed in the table of contents of the work. -
La Comarca Lagunera: de la Revolución a la expropiación de las haciendas, 1910-1940
(1999)The topic developed in this work is the way in which agrarian reform was manifested in the La Laguna region, a border area between Coahuila and Durango, from the beginning of the Revolution but especially from 1917 on. ... -
De Porfirio Díaz a Zapata: memoria náhuatl de Milpa Alta
(2000)A unique work by a distinguished researcher in the Nahuatl tradition who contributes an unusual perspective to studies on the historical sources of information on the Mexican Revolution. The author has written an introductory ... -
De urnas y sotanas: el Partido Católico Nacional en Jalisco
(2001)The work reconstructs the political experience of the National Catholic Party that came into being in Jalisco on May 7, 1891. Among other issues, it is concerned with the genesis of the project and the circumstances of its ... -
Para la libertad. Los republicanos en tiempos del imperio 1821-1823
(2004)El tema desarrollado en este volumen son las acciones, la mayor parte de ellas secretas, realizadas por diversos grupos de individuos para establecer la república en México una vez obtenida la independencia de España. A ... -
La palabra del poder: vida pública de José María Tornel, 1795-1853
(2008)Those in power have always been able to count on servants whose actions aspire to serve as a counterbalance, a voice and a compliment to those governing at a given time. In this regard some well-known figures include ... -
Puente de Calderón: las versiones de un célebre combate
(2012)This book details Mexico’s famous battle of the War of Independence on the basis of the stories that grew up around it during the 19th century. The author examines this event by placing it within the framework of the war ... -
La formación de la Hacienda pública mexicana y las tensiones centroperiferia, 1821-1835
(2013)Another purpose of this work, even more important than the one mentioned above, consists of analyzing the measures taken by the successive governments to balance the budget. Unlike what happened with other Hispano-American ... -
En busca de un gobierno alterno: los Guadalupes de México
(2016)"La lucha armada ha sido considerada la vía principal por la que se logró la independencia política; abundan, por consiguiente, los estudios sobre la misma. Aunque haya sido, en efecto, la vía principal por la que México ... -
La trigarancia: fuerzas armadas en la consumación de la independencia. Nueva España, 1820-1821
(2018)"El 24 de febrero de 1821 el comandante del Sur y rumbo de Acapulco, coronel Agustín de Iturbide, dio a conocer en Iguala un Plan de Independencia que prohijaba la religión católica, apostólica y romana, la independencia ... -
Huellas heideggerianas en la obra de Edmundo O’Gorman
(2019)"La obra del historiador mexicano Edmundo O'Gorman es, sin duda, ampliamente reconocida tanto en el ámbito de la historia como en el de la filosofía y la teoría de la historia. El texto que el lector tiene en sus manos se ... -
El historicismo idealista: Hegel y Collingwood. Ensayo en torno al significado del discurso histórico
(2019)"La formación de la conciencia histórica es uno de los temas más recurrentes en el ámbito de la teoría de la historia contemporánea. En estos estudios es posible resaltar una constante: la enorme influencia que han ejercido ...