Listar Libros de Historia Colonial por fecha de publicación
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 58
Las bulas alejandrinas de 1493 y la teoría política del papado medieval. Estudio de la supremacía papal sobre islas 1091-1493
(1949)The author develops a thesis he calls omni-insular doctrine. It explains the medieval papacy authority and its jurisdiction over islands to incorporate them to the Christian World. Weckmann describes the cumbersome process ... -
Instrucciones a los hermanos jesuitas administradores de haciendas: manuscrito mexicano del Siglo XVII
(1950)The original script of this document is at the General Archive of the Nation. Since it lacks of author and date, its analysis suggests it was written between the third of fifth decade of the eighteenth century. Chevalier ... -
Ensayo sobre Felipe II, hombre de Estado. Su psicología general y su individualidad humana
(1950)Essay on the personality and political action of Phillip II of Spain. The Spanish historian Crevea, tries to explain the King’s behavior in his historical context without appealing to moral judgements. -
La Comarca Lagunera a fines del siglo XVI y principios del XVII según las fuentes escritas
(1954)After the preface, where the author refers to the sources and bibliography –not plentiful- he could get, Martínez del Rio organizes his work in two parts: The first, “Historical process” begins with the Spanish penetration ... -
Un arte de escribir del siglo XVIII: apuntes para la historia del rasgueado en México
(1955)Basically, this work presents 50 facsimiles chosen by the author among 135 sheets that shape a manuscript book, dated on December 28, 1785, made by the master don Rafael Ximeno. The interest for the work is because it is ... -
Colotlán: Doble frontera contra los Bárbaros
(1961)During the XVI century Colotlán was the further town conquered by Spaniards. It represent the limit between the pacific zone, habited by easy Indians and the large lands where only sporadically warlike natives cross away. ... -
Lecciones de California
(1962)In the prologue, the author proposes that, despite previous discussions, the regional and monographic aspects of history are as important as the big generalizations that cover times, cultures, or cycles. Pioneer in regional ... -
España y Nueva España en la época de Felipe II
(1962)During the basically political XVI century were settled the first big states of the modern Europe, from titanic battles, when the reason of state validate any kind of violation to the moral and religion. To understand this ... -
El legalismo de Hernán Cortés como instrumento de su conquista
(1965)Think about the Spaniard conqueror of the XVI century sometimes bring us to the mind the image of a men slave of his passions: salvation and ambition. However, in the case of Hernan Cortés, even when the image is true and ... -
San Carlos Borromeo: endeudamiento de una hacienda colonial (1608-1729)
(1980)On the first chapter the author present a few considerations about the study of the colonial ranch, this investigations are actually valid in the present because this is the most significant rural institution of the XVII-XIX ... -
Confesionario mayor en la lengua mexicana y castellana, 1569
(1984)Facsimile edition with introduction by Roberto Moreno de los Arcos. In this edition, Moreno gives a brief bibliography of the Franciscan Alonso de Molina, natural from Extremadura and make a relation of his work. Also ... -
Coloquios y doctrina cristiana: con que doce frailes de San Francisco, enviados por el papa Adriano VI y por el emperador Carlos V, convirtieron a los indios de la Nueva España. En lengua mexicana y española.
(1986)This edition of excellent presentation is preceded of an introductory study where León- Portilla offers a very precise commentary about the Sahagún text, and reflects the how, when and who made the text, the structure and ... -
La extinción de la artesanía gremial
(1986)The document "La Extinción de la artesanía gremia" by Felipe Castro Gutiérrez examines the evolution and eventual decline of artisan guilds in New Spain. Through a historical and social analysis, the author investigates ... -
Linneo en México: las controversias sobre el sistema binario sexual 1788-1798
(1989)Interesting study about the controversy has broken out between distinguished representative of the novo Hispanic and metropolitan scientific community, as José Antonio de Alzate, Vicente Cervantes, José Dionisio Larréatequi ... -
El convento Agustino y la sociedad novohispana: 1533-1630
(1989)The church as responsible for the transmission of the occidental Christianity to aborigines was a fundamental fact in the development and management of the novo Hispanic society. During this time, his permanence, the ... -
Las Gacetas de México y la medicina. Un índice
(1991)Las tres gacetas de México que vieron la luz durante el siglo XVIII y los primeros años del XIX constituyen una fuente documental de innegable valor para los historiadores interesados en el estudio de esa época. Estas ... -
Comerciantes mexicanos en el siglo XVIII
(1991)The key role played by Mexican merchants, grouped together in the Mexican consulate since 1592, has been studied, according to Carmen Yuste, in light of the impact produced in New Spain by the free trade decrees and the ... -
El régimen jesuítico de la Antigua California
(2003)"Régimen Jesuítico en Antigua California" provides a comprehensive analysis of the organization and functioning of Jesuit missions in the California region during the colonial period. Through reports, chronicles, and ... -
Los días de Josepha Ordóñez
(2005)Narrated in this book are episodes from the life of a famous Spanish woman who entertained the Novohispanic court and society during the second half of the 18th century. The woman was Josepha Ordóñez, famous for her beauty ... -
De la historia económica a la historia social y cultural: homenaje a Gisela von Wobeser
(2015)The document is a tribute to Gisela von Wobeser, highlighting her influence on the study of the economic, social, and cultural history of New Spain. Through a series of essays, themes such as the novohispano estate, the ...