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dc.contributor.authorCovarrubias Velasco, José Enrique
dc.coverage.temporalsiglo XIX - siglo XX
dc.identifier.issn(Print) (Online)
dc.description.abstractThough travel literature is not usually consulted to follow the evolution of economic reflection, a certain number of these works about Mexico in the nineteenth century allow a reading from this point of view. Beginning with the famous Alexander von Humboldt, a good number of foreign travelers were intent on elucidating certain economic questions whose relevance sharpened in a social and political scenario as the Mexican one. One concern was the question about the civilizing effect of commerce. Another one was about the so much emphasized principle of self-interest as an unfailing motive for economic dynamism. Finally, some travelers asked themselves to which degree the construction of an administrative apparatus was the decisive factor to put Mexico on the path of economic progress. The survey includes the works of several significant European travelers and covers until the year of 1910.
dc.description.abstractSi bien no se suele consultar la literatura de viajes para seguir la evolución de la reflexión económica, cierto número de estas obras sobre el México del siglo XIX permiten una lectura desde este punto de vista. A partir del famoso Alexander von Humboldt, un buen número de viajeros extranjeros se dedicaron a dilucidar ciertas cuestiones económicas cuya relevancia se agudizaba en un contexto social y político como el mexicano. Una preocupación era la cuestión del efecto civilizador del comercio. Otra se refería al tan enfatizado principio del interés propio como motivo infalible de dinamismo económico. Finalmente, algunos viajeros se preguntaron hasta qué punto la construcción de un aparato administrativo era el factor decisivo para poner a México en la senda del progreso económico. Este estudio incluye los trabajos de varios viajeros europeos significativos y cubre hasta el año 1910.
dc.format.extentp. 172-194
dc.publisherTerrae Incognitae. The Journal of the Society for the History of Discoveries
dc.relationCovarrubias Velasco, José Enrique, “Well-founded and Not so Well-founded Expectations: The Civilizing Effect of Commerce and Other Economic Topics in Travelogues about Mexico (1811-1909)”, Terrae Incognitae. The Journal of the Society for the History of Discoveries, v. 53, n. 2, 2021.
dc.sourceTerrae Incognitae. The Journal of the Society for the History of Discoveries, v. 53, n. 2, 2021.
dc.titleWell-founded and Not so Well-founded Expectations: The Civilizing Effect of Commerce and Other Economic Topics in Travelogues about Mexico (1811-1909)
dc.rights.holderSociety for the History of Discoveries
dc.rights.holderTaylor and Francis Online
dc.subject.keywordsAlexander von Humboldt
dc.subject.keywordsCarl C. Sartorius
dc.subject.keywordsRaoul Bigot
dc.subject.keywordsLiteratura de viajes sobre México
dc.subject.keywordsEconomía mexicana
dc.subject.unamEconomía -- Historia
dc.subject.unamMéxico -- Historia -- Siglo XIX

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