Now showing items 281-290 of 366
Apertura y cierre de los temples de ánimo: el caso de la enfermedad psíquica
(Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2023)
In the present article, we analyze the Heideggerian attempt to rethink the foundations of psychiatry, in particular, from the phenomenon of moods (Stimmung). We focus on the period of Being and Time and immediately subsequent ...
Covid-19 en América Latina: conflictos, resistencias y desigualdades
(Fundación Oswaldo Cruz, 2023)
The Covid-19 pandemic in Latin America intensified deep social inequalities and revealed inadequate official responses and geopolitical disparities. The health crisis sparked debates on disease, prevention, and healthcare ...
El Farol indiano de fray Manuel Pérez y los indios "aespañolados" de la ciudad de México
(Ediciones Complutense, 2023)
This article addresses the Farol indiano y guía de curas de indios by friar Manuel Pérez, parish priest of a ward of Indians in Mexico City at the beginning of the 17th century, in an attempt to analyze the contrasts he ...
Pedro Tesifón Moctezuma y la gracia del vasallo: o de cómo hacer éxitos europeos con fracasos americanos
(Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, 2023)
"This article approached the enunciation context to the testimonies in favour of Pedro Tesifón Moctezuma at the Council of Orders to access the Military Order of Santiago in 1613. It aims to inquire correlation between ...
Los indios leñadores, madereros y carboneros en la sociedad novohispana
(Universidad de Chile, 2022)
Este artículo aborda el estudio de los indios que proveían de leña, carbón y madera a las ciudades y reales de minas de la Nueva España. Procura demostrar que a pesar de su aparente modestia eran productos muy relevantes, ...
Unos empleos públicos de particular confianza: los ensayadores de cajas reales en Nueva España, 1521–1783
(Universidad de Sevilla, 2023)
This paper analyzes the work of New Spain’s royal treasuries assayers. It considers the period in which this responsibility was carried out under the regime of sale of public offices. These officers were in charge of ...
Poblaciones indígenas e instituciones eclesiásticas en los mundos ibéricos coloniales, siglos XVI-XVIII
(Universidad Bernardo O’Higgins, 2022)
The article "Indigenous Populations and Ecclesiastical Institutions in the Ibero-American Colonial Worlds, 16th-18th Centuries" examines the impact of ecclesiastical institutions on the socio-cultural dynamics of indigenous ...
Los caballeros de la orden de Alcántara en Nueva España, biografía y genelogía: primera entrega: A
(SEGEHECA, 2021)
This research identifies, provides biographical notes, and renders the family reconstruction (ascending and descending genealogy) of the knights of the Military Order of Alcántara, who were present in the
viceroyalty ...
Presentación: los obispos y el gobierno de las parroquias en el mundo hispanoamericano colonial Título de la revista Trabajos y comunicaciones
(Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2023)
This proposes the need to study an aspect that has gone unnoticed in historiography, relatively, around the relationship of the bishops with the priests and their jurisdictions. We refer to the government of the parishes. ...
El bautizo de tres tupinambás en París: mediación, aculturación y alianza franco-tupí, siglo XVII
(Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México., 2020)
Beginning with the baptism of three tupinambás in Paris in 1613, which aroused great interest, both in the court and in the French collective imagination, this text revisits the long tradition of trips by Tupi Indians to ...