Browsing Libros de Historia de los Pueblos Indígenas by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 39
El calpulli en la organización social de los tenochca
(1949)This is a study of the calpulli as the main element of social, economic, and religious organization in Tenochtitlan. Despite the steady use of words in Nahuatl, the author often explains its meaning. -
Veinte himnos sacros de los nahuas
(1958)Introduction, notes, commentaries, and translation to Spanish of twenty hymns consecrated to the Gods, according to the Nahua texts included in Sahagun’s Códices Matritenses. The book contains an appendix were religious ... -
Mapas de clasificación lingüística de México y las Américas
(1959)Having the conception of a common origin to all the native languages in America, in this essay the author proposes a deep and systematic research of the relations between the languages in our continent. He analyses ... -
Nuevas noticias sobre Palenque en un manuscrito del siglo XVIII
(1960)To start with the scheduled works at the then nascent Seminar of Mayan Culture at the Institute of History, this notebook was published. In it, we have at our disposal the communication of doctor Ballesteros Gaibrois, ... -
Vida económica de Tenochtitlan: Pochtecayotl (arte de traficar)
(1961)Introduction, paleography, Spanish version and notes of the nahua texts compiled by Sahagún in Tlatelolco and preserved in the Códices Matritenses. At the end Garibay adds an appendix where these texts are compared with ... -
El origen del hombre americano y la antropología física
(1961)A problem, which although solved partially is still surrounded by many questions, is the origin of the American man. Comas offers a short essay about this topic, besides a discussion of those points of view held by diverse ... -
Antigüedad del hombre en México y Centroamérica: catálogo razonado de localidades y bibliografía selecta, 1867-1961 (Contribución al XXXV Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, ciudad de México, agosto de 1962)
(1962)According to the relation with the cultural outlook of the Mexican Prehistory, this brief essay represents a fundamental approach to future researches about the antiquity of the men in our country. Till 1947 was only ... -
La cerámica arqueológica de Mesoamérica
(1965)The study of the ceramic is fundamental to the archaeologist because is through of it is possible get to know the different cultures. The information in this volume constitutes a handbook of the ceramic of Mesoamerica, and ... -
Arte de la lengua mexicana
(1965)This work offers the text of the grammar of the XIX century, modernized about the orthography and punctuation. The editor start the study with a brief prologue where enshrines the life and work of Sandoval. -
Características físicas de la familia lingüística maya
(1966)Even when exists abundant and different studies about the Mayas, the research about physic anthropology of them have been poorly explored. That’s why Comas try with this essay to complement the information with documents ... -
México Tenochtitlan y su problemática lacustre
(1978)The authors present a series of papers and a general vision of the subject to explain the problematic of the Ciudad- Estado for being settled in the middle of a lake since his foundation, and his constant battle to survive ... -
Los otomíes. Cultura e historia prehispánica de los pueblos mesoamericanos de habla otomiana
(1979)The author remarks the roll of the Otomi people had in the ethnic stratification in ancient Mexico. This tribe dwelled in precarious regions where agriculture was underdeveloped, fact that placed them in a lower cultural ... -
Códice Xolotl
(1980)The first 126 pages of this book are a detailed study of each one of the sheets of the codex. It is a post conquest document; therefore, it is a blend of alphabetical writing, glyphs, and Nahuatl writing. The codex tells ... -
Poesía náhuatl III. Cantares mexicanos. Manuscrito de la Biblioteca Nacional de México. Segunda parte
(2000)The third volume include the text in náhuatl and the Spanish translation of the second part of the manuscript of Cantares mexicanos. The three volumes offers, besides the translation, the nahuatl paleography, and an ... -
Entre los hombres y los dioses: acercamiento al sacerdocio de calpulli entre los antiguos nahuas
(2016)"A pesar de que los autores más diversos han reconocido la enorme importancia de la religión en la vida social mesoamericana, resulta sorprendente ver cómo se carece de estudios que aborden la problemática de aquellos ... -
Cuiripu: cuerpo y persona entre los antiguos p'urhépecha de Michoacán
(2016)"La presente obra constituye una síntesis de las concepciones p'urhépecha de la humanidad que debieron existir en las épocas prehispánica y colonial. Lejos de una visión esencialista, el autor cuestiona la preeminencia de ... -
Hacia otra historia de América: nuevas miradas sobre el cambio cultural y las relaciones interétnicas
(2016)"Este libro reúne dos ensayos que proponen y exploran nuevas maneras de comprender la historia de nuestro continente a partir de dos aspectos clave: el cambio cultural y las relaciones interétnicas. Con una perspectiva de ... -
La filosofía náhuatl estudiada en sus fuentes
(2017)"Sesenta años se cumplen de la aparición, en 1956, de La filosofía náhuatl estudiada en sus fuentes. Bien lo anticipó en su prólogo Ángel María Garibay K.: “Un hecho es indudable. Este libro no caerá en el olvido”. Once ... -
El gobernante maya: historia documental de cuatro señores del periodo Clásico
(2018)"Los yacimientos arqueológicos de la cultura maya precolombina que se encuentran diseminados en todo el sureste mexicano, Guatemala, Belice y Honduras, forman uno de los legados arquitectónicos más numerosos e impresionantes ... -
In tlahtolli, in amoxtli: la palabra, el libro. Conferencias y estudios inéditos sobre fuentes e historia nauas
(2018)Luis Reyes García (1935-2004) was an anthropologist, linguist, translator, and a historian, whose life’s work includes many valuable texts, such as: ethnographic texts, editions, and translations of chroniclers —both in ...