Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 2292

      Las zozobras de los hacendados de algunos municipios del oriente de San Luis Potosí (1910-1920) [1]
      You shall know them by their theses: contributions to Latin American Studies from the Colegio de Estudios Latinoamericanos [1]
      Yolotl González Torres. Animales y plantas en la cosmovisión mesoamericana [1]
      Yaxuun B'ahlam IV: el poder absoluto [1]
      Yaocuicatl: cantos de guerra y guerra de cantos [1]
      Yancuic tlahtolli: palabra nueva. Una antología de la literatura náhuatl contemporánea (segunda parte) [1]
      Xochimiquiztli, la muerte florida: el sacrificio humano entre los mexicas [1]
      La XI Sesión del Congreso Mexicano de Historia [1]
      Woodrow Wilson, los republicanos y México. Dos documentos [1]
      Women owners in Mexico City during the conjuncture of liberal reform [1]
      The wind god and the descente of the Tzitzimitl: new insights on the iconography and provenance of the mosaic-encrusted bird head at the Friedenstein palace gotha, Germany [1]
      William Dampier en el mar del sur: mapas y diarios de viaje ingleses en el reconocimiento del Pacífico novohispano (siglo XVIII) [1]
      William B. Taylor, Theatre of a Thousand Wonders. A History of Miraculous Images and Shrines in New Spain, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2016 [1]
      Wigberto Jiménez Moreno (1909-1985) y su bibliografía antropológica e histórica [1]
      Why Seek Clarity in Darkest Hour? [1]
      Whiteness vs. whiteness, miscegenation and privilege in Mexico from the XIX to XXI centuries, an interpretation proposal [1]
      Where the Deaths Go: Some Reflections about the Relations between Livings and Deaths in Differents Types of Societies around the World [1]
      Well-founded and Not so Well-founded Expectations: The Civilizing Effect of Commerce and Other Economic Topics in Travelogues about Mexico (1811-1909) [1]
      Warships for a Global Empire: Shipbuilding and the Maritime Registry in Spain, America and the Philippines during the long Eighteenth Century (1670-1834) [1]
      War over the land: racism, criminalization, and settler colonialism in the Yaqui Valley [1]