Now showing items 61-70 of 78
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1966)
En este ensayo el autor aborda varios temas relativos a Europa, desde la evolución del arte hasta la forma en que se abordan los problemas cotidianos como el hambre, la miseria o la política
Fray Vicente de Santa María y fray Vicente de Santa María
(Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, 1967)
El autor elabora la semblanza de dos franciscanos homónimos y contemporáneos, fray Vicente de Santa María y Martínez (criollo) y fray Vicente de Santa María (peninsular). El primero participó activamente en el movimiento ...
Características físicas de la familia lingüística maya
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, 1966)
Even when exists abundant and different studies about the Mayas, the research about physic anthropology of them have been poorly explored. That’s why Comas try with this essay to complement the information with documents ...
El problema indoeuropeo
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Investigaciones HistóricasCoordinación de HumanidadesInstituto de Investigaciones BibliográficasEditorial de la Universidad de Cantabria, 1960)
Departing from a correlation between archaeological data and linguistic information, the author proposes to reach new solutions on the origin and formation of the indoeuropean people. In the first part of the book he shows ...
Lecciones de California
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Investigaciones HistóricasCoordinación de HumanidadesInstituto de Investigaciones BibliográficasEditorial de la Universidad de Cantabria, 1962)
In the prologue, the author proposes that, despite previous discussions, the regional and monographic aspects of history are as important as the big generalizations that cover times, cultures, or cycles. Pioneer in regional ...
España y Nueva España en la época de Felipe II
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Historia, 1962)
During the basically political XVI century were settled the first big states of the modern Europe, from titanic battles, when the reason of state validate any kind of violation to the moral and religion. To understand this ...
Antigüedad del hombre en México y Centroamérica: catálogo razonado de localidades y bibliografía selecta, 1867-1961 (Contribución al XXXV Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, ciudad de México, agosto de 1962)
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Historia, 1962)
According to the relation with the cultural outlook of the Mexican Prehistory, this brief essay represents a fundamental approach to future researches about the antiquity of the men in our country. Till 1947 was only ...
El legalismo de Hernán Cortés como instrumento de su conquista
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, 1965)
Think about the Spaniard conqueror of the XVI century sometimes bring us to the mind the image of a men slave of his passions: salvation and ambition. However, in the case of Hernan Cortés, even when the image is true and ...
El origen del hombre americano y la antropología física
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Historia, 1961)
A problem, which although solved partially is still surrounded by many questions, is the origin of the American man. Comas offers a short essay about this topic, besides a discussion of those points of view held by diverse ...
Colotlán: Doble frontera contra los Bárbaros
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Historia, 1961)
During the XVI century Colotlán was the further town conquered by Spaniards. It represent the limit between the pacific zone, habited by easy Indians and the large lands where only sporadically warlike natives cross away. ...